Roget’s Thesaurus defines Vital Force as follows:

The vital principle or animating force within living beings: breath, divine spark, élan vital, life force, psyche, soul, spirit, vitality.

The vital force has been given many names in different cultures. In China it has long been known as “Chi” or “Qi”. In India it is called “Prana”. In Japan it is called “Ki”.

Whatever name you may choose to call the vital force it does not change its nature. The vital force in humans is nothing less than the human soul. Without it the body dies. If there was no vital force we could jump start a dead person by pouring nutrients into the body and cranking up the heart.

The Chinese culture in particular has a long tradition of studying various forms of Chi. There are over two hundred different forms of “Chi Kung”, training exercises to strengthen the flow of Chi in the human body.

While martial arts in the West are often degraded to purely physical exercises, in the East everyone knows that martial arts is about the gathering and controlling of the vital force.

Vital Force

Many people still refuse to believe that anything non-physical could possibly exist. These limiting beliefs are often founded on an intense, unconscious fear of the unknown.

Personally I believe that the universe runs wit mathematical precision. I love science but science is a moving target. In this fast moving world the scientific cornerstones of as little as five years ago are now often totally outdated as new scientific research uncovers new data.

Have you heard of dark energy? It basically means energy that is invisible to normal human sight. There is also dark matter. Take a look at what NASA has to say on dark energy and dark matter.

“More is unknown than is known. We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the Universe’s expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery. But it is an important mystery. It turns out that roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest – everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter – adds up to less than 5% of the Universe.” Source:

I have a feeling that “dark energy” and “vital force” are very similar if not totally the same, just different names. As the scientific community learns more about dark energy a lot of our existing understanding about life, the universe and everything will be rewritten as we remember our true state as Spiritual Light Beings.
